In a recent interview, I was asked about a statement made by my slave relating to my measuring her waist and subjecting her to ‘waiste training’.
Well, the fact is, I do measure my slave’s waiste every Wednesday night. I also measure her chest and her hips. In addition, she reports daily on her eating habits for the day, her exercise for the day and her weight that morning.
It was suggested to me by the person interviewing me that the practice of waiste – and indeed weight – training might be somewhat controversial among some members of the BDSM community. My response was two-fold. Firstly, I don’t care what anyone thinks about this – or any other issue relating to my relationship with my slave. Secondly, I cannot imagine that any member of an informed community would question this practice.
The first point I have discussed before. I hold myself to very high moral standards, but they are my standards, and I really do not care what other people think about them. When I was young, I was occasionally concerned about what others might think about me. When I was a little older, I did not care what people thought about me and my behaviour. Now that I am 64, I know that only people with too much time on their hands spend any of their time thinking about me or my behaviour.
On the second point, why would I not manage my property’s health, fitness, and appearance? I care for all of my property. If I own my slave, I should get what I want, whatever it is. This is not different to any other possession. I would also argue that being fit and healthy is in her best interest. Finally, my slave is more concerned than me about her health, weight, and appearance – as indeed I would expect of anyone with pride and self-respect. Why would anyone question a discipline that my slave benefits from and wants?
Why would anyone question any measure to reduce the epidemic of obesity in Australia? Some 50% of adult Australians are now obese – and for the first time in human history life expectancies are now expected to retreat. For me, this is also a matter of what I find attractive.
By the way, the acceptable range is:
- Chest – 33″ – 36′
- Waiste – 26″ – 28″
- Hips – 34″ – 36″
- Weight – 54 – 56 Kg
She is about 5′ 6″ tall. Yes, I know, I am showing my age talking in ‘old money. Failure to stay within these limits results in punishment.
It occurs to me that in terms of weight and waist size, there are three kinds of people:
- Those who are happy with or accepting of their status.
- Those who want to change and have a plan in place to achieve their goal.
- Those who want to change and lack the application to achieve change.
People in the first and second groups are unlikely to object to my practises. Only people in the third group are likely to have issues with prioritising waiste and weight training. Only people who lack the application to act when they think they should and want to – will be jealous enough to get their knickers in a knot about this issue. It is a common human trait to deflect concerns about ones own inadequacies onto others.
By the way, I am proud of the application and determination of my slave to meet and exceed her expectation and mine. She will be healthier and happier for it. Most importantly, I will enjoy her more for it!!
What say you?
Do you think I am over-stepping the mark by instituting waiste training?
Or do you like me, see the value in being within a healthy BMI range?
Email your thoughts regarding this article and BEST PRACTISE to –
Thank you.