The House Rules by Flame_Hel

One of the first things that we needed to put in place for the Tbilisi Training House was a set of basic house rules for all submissives in the house to follow. These rules are based on various rules that I have previously used for submissives in my home and on rules suggested by MasterfulSpirit. The rules are as follows:House Rules for submissivesTbilisi submissive training house, 2022
- No outside clothing to be worn by submissives in the house. When arriving in the house submissives must walk up the stairs immediately to their bedroom and change out of their outside clothes. When leaving the house submissives may only walk directly from their bedroom to the front door while wearing their outside clothing.
- Submissives are not to sit or lie on any furniture in the house without permission from a Dominant.
- No intoxicants in the house.
- No smoking in the house. Vaping is acceptable.
- Submissives must only use the bathroom on the submissive floor (the top floor).
- Submissives must ask permission from one of the dominants before using the bathroom (including showering) between 8:30 and 23:00.
- When eating together with any of the Dominants, submissives must wait for all Dominants to start eating before touching their utensils or starting to eat.
- Submissives arriving at the house after 18:00 must present themselves naked in a kneeling position for the Dominants in the living room on arrival.
- If a submissive has been away from the house for more than 2 hours and returns before 18:00, they must as soon as practical present themselves naked in a kneeling position to each of the Dominants in the house. If the submissive must do something in the kitchen first (for example putting away cold groceries) they must start with the Dominant on the lowest floor, otherwise they must start with the Dominant on the highest floor.
- No personal use of mobile phones, computers or internet outside of scheduled times. Work usage needs are negotiated individually.
- Phones and computers to be left in the submissive’s room at all times when you are in the house unless they are using it for work.
- The house is to be kept clean and tidy at all times.
Posted with permission Flame_Hel (Fetlife)